The walls and terrace located in the rear of the school were built in 2009 as a fund raising effort for the E. C. Glass Athletic Boosters as well as to honor the ECG community. The initial construction was primarily funded by the class of 1964 with help from the Class of 1963, other alumni and parents of students. Over 500 engraved bricks have been purchased and installed since then, and the Wall of Excellence continues to be a source of pride for our school. The E. C. Glass Alumni Boosters are now selling engraved bricks for the terrace area. The price is still $50 for a 4" x 8" brick and $100 for an 8" x 8" brick. Order one or more today to honor or memorialize a family member, yourself, a teacher, a student, a coach or a team, and support E. C. Glass at the same time.
Click here to download the E. C. Glass Wall of Excellence Order Form