Major Life Events that may occur during your Employment with LCS that Allow you to Make Changes to your Benefits

A qualifying life event is a change in your life that can make you eligible for a special enrollment period to enroll in benefits outside the open enrollment period during the year. Qualifying events must be made within 31 days from the date of the change and you must contact the Office of Payroll & Benefits at (434) 515-5007 or email Changes to benefits are time-sensitive, and the appropriate documentation must be submitted within the specified timeframe of the life event. To view the list of acceptable required documents, click here for additional information on Dependent Eligibility

If you wish to make changes to your benefits but have not experienced a qualifying life event, you may request the changes during the annual Open Enrollment period, and the effective date will be January 1 of the next year.


Life Event   Timeframe to Submit Documentation   Effective Date   Documentation Required

Birth/Adoption/Legal Guardianship/Custody:

May cancel coverage or add coverage and dependents


Within 31 calendar days of the birth, adoption, or gaining legal guardianship


 Date of birth/date of adoption/date placed for adoption/ date of legal guardianship/custody


Birth: Photocopy of the letter of live birth/proof of birth letter.

Adoption: Photocopy of the Final Adoption Decree, an Interlocutory Decree of Adoption with the presiding judge's signature and seal or a photocopy of the child's birth certificate showing the employee as the adopting parent

Legal Guardianship/Custody: Photocopy of the final court order or order of custody with the presiding judge's signature and date.

Change in Employment Status

LCS employee that becomes eligible to enroll in benefits due to a change in hours or change in position:

May enroll in coverage


Within 31 calendar days of your adjusted hire date


 1st of the following month following the qualifying event


Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

Dependent reaching age 26:

Must remove dependent from plan


Within 30 calendar days of the qualifying event


 1st of the following month following the qualifying event


Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.


May cancel coverage or add coverage and dependents


Within 31 calendar days of the date of marriage


1st of the following month following the qualifying event


Photocopy of the marriage certificate, and

Photocopy of the front page of the employee’s most recent federal tax return* that includes the employee’s spouse (you may remove all financial information); Professional tax return cover sheet may be accepted, if all required information is included.

Newly hired to LCS in a full-time or part-time authorized position:

May enroll in coverage


Within 31 calendar days of your hire date


 1st of the month following your contract start date


Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

Death of a covered Dependent


Within 31 calendar days of the death


 The day of the




Photocopy of the death certificate


May enroll in coverage or remove spouse/stepchildren


Within 31 calendar days of the finalized divorce


 1st of the following month following the qualifying event


Photocopy of the divorce decree (the first page and signature page)

Gain or Loss of Health Coverage of existing health coverage, including job-based, individual, and student plans:

May enroll or cancel coverage


Within 31 calendar days of the qualifying event


The date the  qualifying event occurred


Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

Gain or Loss of Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP eligibility:

May enroll or cancel coverage


Within 60 calendar days of the qualifying event


 The date the  qualifying event occurred


Supporting documents based on the dependent(s) being enrolled. See Dependent Eligibility chart.

If you think you might be experiencing a Qualifying Life Event that is not listed in the chart above, please contact the Office of Payroll & Benefits at (434) 515-5007 or email