Lynchburg City Schools will be offering a variety of 2024 summer programming for students in grades PreK-12. Invitations for most programs will be sent home to eligible students with 3rd quarter report cards. For all programs except high school online new credit courses, students will attend each week Monday through Friday and are at no cost unless otherwise specified in the program description below. Transportation will be provided as well as breakfast and lunch each day. All summer programs will be closed June 19 and the week of July 1.

Elementary School
LCS - YMCA Summer Power Scholars Academy (Elementary School)
Dates: June 17-28 & July 8-19
Hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Locations: HES, LES & TCM
Registration: By invitation only. Please contact your student's teacher for registration information. (closes May 6)
The elementary school Summer Power Scholars Academy will be offered to selected LCS PreK-5th grade students. Only students receiving a teacher recommendation may enroll. This program will operate 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is designed to provide additional support to students who are no more than 1 or 2 grade levels behind in reading and/or math. Mornings will focus on academics and afternoons will be filled with enrichment activities. Program sites will include the following elementary schools:
Heritage Elementary (hosting students from Heritage, Perrymont, Sandusky, and Sheffield)
Linkhorne Elementary (hosting students from Bedford Hills, Linkhorne, and Paul Munro)
T. C. Miller Elementary (hosting students from Bass, Dearington, R. S. Payne, and T. C. Miller)
Directions for registering for Power Scholars Academy 2024 (Español)
LCS Community Explorers Camp
Dates: June 17-28 & July 8-19
Hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Locations: PES
Registration: Community Explorers Camp online registration (closes May 3)
The elementary school LCS STEAM Camp & LCS Community Explorers Camp will be offered to current K-5th grade students interested in exploring science, technology, engineering, arts & mathematics (STEAM) education. Daily enrichment provided by a variety of LCS community businesses and supporters. Division site will be located at Perrymont Elementary School.
Middle School
Real-World Academics Camp
Dates: June 17-28 & July 8-12
Hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: SMS
Registration: By invitation only. Please contact your student's teacher for registration information. (closes May 3)
The Real-World Academics Camp will provide current 6th-8th grade students two weeks of academic remediation using teacher-facilitated lessons on the Edmentum platform in reading and math, and one week of CTE-infused enrichment activities. Division site will be located at Sandusky Middle School.
High School
High School Senior Intensive Session (seniors only)
Dates: June 3-14
Hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: HHS
Two-week intensive study opportunity for current 12th grade students who need to repeat a full year course for credit. Students will engage in learning by using a combination of teacher-facilitated lessons and Edmentum. Students who are successful in earning credit at the end of the two-week intensive will not attend the full summer High School Credit Recovery Program. Division site will be located at Heritage High School.
High School Credit Recovery Program
Dates: June 17-28 & July 8-19
Hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: HHS
This program is for current 9th-12th grade students needing to repeat a full year course for credit. Students will engage in learning by using a combination of teacher-facilitated lessons and Edmentum. There is no cost to attend. Division site will be located at Heritage High School. Program offerings are contingent upon student enrollment.
LCS Summer Registration will be held Monday, June 10, 2024, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Heritage High School. Summer Registration Day attendance is required for all high school students who need to attend the High School Credit Recovery Program to fulfill course requirements.
SOL Academy
Dates: June 17-28 & July 8-19
Hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: HHS
This program is designed for 11th and 12th grade students who have passed a course but failed the associated SOL Test. There are designated weeks for specific content area remediation time with taking the SOL Test at the end of the week. Focus areas may include: Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Earth Science, World History I & II, and Work Keys Reading & Writing. Division site will be located at Heritage High School. Program offerings are contingent upon student enrollment.
LCS Summer Registration will be held Monday, June 10, 2024, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Heritage High School. Summer Registration Day attendance is required for all high school students who need to attend the SOL Academy to fulfill course requirements.
Online Courses for New Credit
Dates: June 4-July 19
Hours: Students are expected to work at his/her own pace to ensure completion of all course requirements (course = 7 weeks)
Location: Virtual
Cost: $225
Registration: Online registration required, see below
Courses begin June 4. Students will receive more information by email from the instructor.
Foundations of Personal Fitness & Wellness #E931YS
Registration: Summer Foundations of Personal Fitness & Wellness online registration (closes May 17)
Payment: Online using MySchoolBucks or cash/check to Ellaree Rice, Bookkeeper at E. C. Glass High School, prior to 2p.m. Monday-Thursday
Rising 9th grade students who want to take a new course for high school credit. Students will enroll in an online health curriculum aligned to 9th grade health standards. Students are required to develop and complete a personal fitness plan of at least 60 hours. This will include pre and post testing using Fitness-gram tests. In addition, students will complete CPR training as required by the state in order to graduate.
Personal Finance & Economics #E6151YS
Registration: Summer Personal Finance & Economics online registration (closes May 17)
Payment: Online using MySchoolBucks or cash/check to Ellaree Rice, Bookkeeper at E. C. Glass High School, prior to 2p.m. Monday-Thursday
Rising 10th-12th grade students who want to take a new course for high school credit. Students will enroll in an online personal finance curriculum that includes skills in money management, record keeping, and banking. Students are required to take the W!SE Financial Literacy Exam on site to meet requirements for this course.