Program Description

The Gifted Opportunities (GO) Center is a division-sponsored program housed at R. S. Payne Elementary School and serves students from the entire school division. Students in this accelerated and enriching program in grades 3, 4, and 5  must be selected based on teacher recommendation, academic achievement, and a variety of assessments. The Gifted Opportunities Center teachers provide accelerated, inquiry based opportunities that allow students to delve into concepts with depth and complexity. There are a limited number of classrooms in a Gifted Opportunity Center.

More information about the eligibility process can be found on the Elementary Gifted Education page.

Frequently Asked Questions Videos

  1. How is the G.O. Center different from your child's previous school?
  2. What did you consider as you made the decision to send your child to the G.O. Center?
  3. How have you seen your child grow during his or her time at the G.O. Center?
  4. What would you like to have known before your child began at the G.O. Center?
  5. Do you have anything else you would like to share about your child's experience at the G.O. Center?