Explore the information about our school's fundraising, events, services, activities and projects. These focus areas are essential for enriching our student's education and building a strong community. We rely on the dedication and support of our wonderful volunteers to make these events possible. Whether you can contribute a little time or a lot, your help is invaluable. Join us in making a positive impact on our school! Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at our events!

  • Carnival
  • Book Fair
  • Read-A-Thon
  • S.T.R.E.A.M Night
  • Field Day
  • Spirit Wear
  • Roots-to-Shoots
  • Violin Program
  • Free T-Shirt Program
  • Unit Funds
  • Teacher Allowances 
  • Hospitality
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation 
  • Spring Arts Showcase
  • Spirit Nights
  • School Improvement Projects
  • Yearbook