Published on Tue., February 16, 2021

Message from Mrs. Steele, Principal

Please continue to encourage your child to participate in learning on remote days and to attend on hybrid days. Set a schedule and clear expectations of when your child should be engaged in See Saw or Google Classroom. Please stay in close communication with the teacher about any missing assignments or any challenges your child is experiencing so we can work together on solutions and common expectations between home and school. Students should also be reading (or read to) at least 20 minutes at home each day (or as appropriate for their age.) Let them know how much you value education, learning and reading and make it fun. Children will share your enthusiasm for learning! We greatly appreciate all of your efforts to partner with us during these unusual times! We are #Husky Strong and will keep pulling together!

Health Clinic News

On Tuesday February 16th and Thursday February 18th Conexus Vision will be at Bedford Hills to conduct vision screenings for Kindergarten and Third grade students. Remote students will be contacted by Ms. Ravizza to set up an appointment for screening. Parents can fill out an opt out form on the Lynchburg City Schools' website should they not want their child to participate.

February is Kindness Month!

We are implementing a schoolwide theme for all students, "Throw Kindness Like Confetti!" Teachers will recognize students or colleagues that they catch showing random acts of kindness and will write the act on a colorful heart with the person's name, teacher/grade. There will be two bulletin boards, one for K-1 and the other for 2-5 where the hearts will be placed. At the end of the month, the students will receive their act of kindness heart(s) from their board. So let's fill up our boards with AWESOME acts of kindness from our students and staff!

Message from Amanda Rumore, PTO President

Bedford Hills PTO will host a Read-a-thon March 1-12! The PTO, staff and teachers are working hard to plan this great event that kicks off during “Read Across America Week.” This will be our one-and-only major fundraiser for the year and we encourage participation from all BHS families! We are currently seeking family sponsorships to help us offset the cost of prizes and supplies. Please click here if you're interested in pledging a $50-$100 family sponsorship:

SciFest Poetry Jam entries for K-12 are due this Friday, February 19

The link to enter is:

Randolph College invites all K-12 students in Lynchburg and surrounding counties to submit science- or math-based poems. Three top prizes ($100, $50, and $25 gift cards) will be awarded to the three top poems in each grade group. Finalists will be invited to read their poems during SciFest weekend, and the top 52 poems will be published in a book available free to all finalists. Entries may be submitted electronically or by mail. The submission deadline is February 19, 2021.

Yearbook Photo Submission

Yearbook preparation is underway but we need your help! We want to capture this unique year in our history, especially photos of at-home learning. We are seeking photo submissions from both hybrid and fully-remote students to be included in the yearbook this year. Please submit photos using this form:

The deadline for photo submission is Friday, March 12th. Any and all photos are welcome!
***Yearbook order forms will be going out at the end of February*** 
**Don’t forget to register for Kroger Plus, Amazon Smile, Box Tops for Education, and the Givens School Rebate Program to benefit Bedford Hills!**

Message from Mrs. Arp, BHS Librarian

Independent design and research are important parts of the library program this year, and we are going to kick it off with a T-Shirt Design Contest! Keep your eyes peeled next week on Google Classroom and SeeSaw for instructions and tutorials.

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