The Mabry Automotive Group has given Lynchburg City School Teacher of the Year, Meg Smith, a new car to use for a year. Mrs. Smith picked out a 2011 Nissan Murano in May, just in time for summer break.
Recently, school administrators surprised the division’s Teacher of The Year in her classroom. Mrs. Smith has been a teacher at Dunbar Middle School for Innovation for seventeen years as well as a leader for aspiring teachers on the collegiate level. In the classroom, she uses a variety of teaching styles to ensure that she reaches every student. Mrs. Smith says her key to success is simple - create active learners, keep parents engaged and continue to improve as a professional. She says she leads by example and, as a result, “the specific knowledge and skills the students have learned are often equaled by the student’s growing commitment to success, a commitment we hope will continue throughout their lives.”