Published on Fri., April 17, 2015

2015 National German Honor Society Inductees

The Heritage High School National German Honor Society had the honor to induct nine new members in April, 2015. The new members include:

  • Cedricka Alexander
  • Hep-Siba Barar
  • Janalyn Blankenship
  • Anthony Chambers
  • Tmerik Cobbs
  • Alex Farber
  • Carrie Huff
  • Alijah Martin
  • Elizabeth (Claire) Steger

German Honor Society SeniorsThese students were required to have completed three semesters of German with a 3.6 GPA in German, as well as an overall GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. They had to show significant interest in German language and culture and be willing to promote our German program. Moreover, key to becoming a member was a diligent work ethic and a drive to succeed.

During this ceremony we said goodbye to our graduating seniors by presenting them with the National German Honor Society graduation cord. The ceremony ended with an array of German foods and the mingling of the old and new members accompanied by their guests, in which ideas were exchanged on how to promote the program in the future. 

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