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Street Name Schools
South Mackel Street
Bass Elementary School
Sandusky Middle School
Heritage High School
South Princeton Circle
Bedford Hills Elementary School
Linkhorne Middle School
E C Glass High School
South Street
Linkhorne Elementary School
Linkhorne Middle School
E C Glass High School
Spencer Place
From Eighteenth Street
Sheffield Elementary School
Sandusky Middle School
Heritage High School
Spencer Street
From Rivermont Ave.
Linkhorne Elementary School
Linkhorne Middle School
E C Glass High School
Spinoza Circle
Bass Elementary School
Sandusky Middle School
Heritage High School
Spottswood Place
Bedford Hills Elementary School
Linkhorne Middle School
E C Glass High School
Spring Drive
Heritage Elementary School
Sandusky Middle School
Heritage High School
Spring Street
Linkhorne Elementary School
Linkhorne Middle School
E C Glass High School