Published on Wed., September 4, 2024

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Research shows that daily school attendance is crucial to student success. This month and all year round, Lynchburg City Schools (LCS) is committed to helping remove barriers to attendance by increasing transportation accessibility, implementing student incentive programs, and educating families about the importance of attendance through public information campaigns. Read on for answers to frequently asked questions about a range of factors that can affect attendance.

Attendance FAQs

Q: How can my child get to school if they miss their bus?

A: This school year, LCS introduced the Missed Bus Pickup program. The pilot program will provide students who have missed their regular school bus pickup with an alternative form of transportation to school. Each student will be allowed two rides per quarter on a first come, first served basis. 

Q: Can I schedule a family vacation or trip that will cause my student to miss school?

A: Planned absences of this nature are discouraged, as they could adversely affect student performance. If unavoidable, the parent or guardian must request approval for an excused absence in advance by filing a request in writing with their child’s principal. If a planned absence spans more than five days, the parent or guardian must file a request with the Office of the Superintendent by mail (915 Court Street, PO Box 2497, Lynchburg, VA 24505).;

Q: What should I do if my student has a chronic medical condition that causes them to miss school?

A: Consider working with your child’s school nurse to create a medical plan, providing updated information about their health conditions each year. Be sure to communicate about your child’s chronic condition with their school. In accordance with school board policy JED-RZ, you’ll need to submit a parent note outlining the condition as a reason for their absences. Discuss your child’s needs with their medical care provider, who can provide a doctor’s note to stay on file all school year if appropriate.

Q: How can I ensure my child attends school if my family is facing housing instability?

A: The federal McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment and special educational rights to children and youth living in inadequate or temporary settings. Learn more and get resources here.

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