Published on Wed., August 14, 2024

We are excited to inform you that Lynchburg City Schools is introducing a new biometric student ID management system at Bass, Bedford Hills, and Perrymont Elementary Schools for the upcoming school year. This innovative system, powered by identiMetrics, aims to improve efficiency and safety during mealtimes. Not only will lunch lines be shorter, allowing students more time to enjoy their nutritious meals, it will also enhance mealtime safety by enabling staff to quickly identify students with food allergies. Additionally, this technology will reduce the costs and time associated with managing student IDs while providing a fast and accurate way to identify students.

How the System Works
The identiMetrics system uses finger-scanning biometrics similar to those on smartphones. The software scans unique points on the finger to create and store individual templates for each student. When students scan their fingers again, the system matches these templates to identify them, completing the process in about a second.

Privacy and Security
We want to assure you that no fingerprint images are stored. Instead, the finger-scan template is converted to a unique number stored in the school’s secure database. These templates are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which ensures the confidentiality of all student records. When students graduate or leave the school system, these templates are deleted. For more information, please visit

Students will be added to the new ID program August 20-23. This process will take place during school hours and should cause minimal disruption to their day. We understand that some families may have additional questions about this new system. If you have questions or do not want your child to participate, please contact your child’s school.

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