Tracy Piestrak, Supervisor of Student Services
Phone: (434) 515-5098
Email: [email protected]


Each student has the right to expect an educational environment in which he or she can strive to achieve his or her intellectual potential. The student is expected to be diligent in his/her studies and conduct him/herself in such a way that the rights and privileges of others are not violated. The student is expected to accept and demonstrate the obligation of good citizenship to help prevent problems from happening and help solve problems if they occur. All parents are expected to assume responsibility for the student's behavior and assist the school in enforcing the Standards of Student Conduct. 

"Bullying" means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. "Bullying" includes cyber bullying. "Bullying" does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument or peer conflict.

The principal or their designee shall notify the school board disciplinary committee and the parent of any student involved in an alleged incident of bullying of the status of any investigation within 24 hours of the allegation of bullying. Such notifications shall be communicated to the school board disciplinary committee via the superintendent or designee by the next meeting of that committee. Refer to Student Conduct Policy JFC.

Please contact your school counselor and school principal/administrator to report bullying or use the Speak Up for Safety tip line

Cell Phone-Free Education

While technology is an important part of today’s world, the use of personal devices during the school day can negatively impact students’ learning experiences. Cell phone-free education is part of a statewide initiative to help students succeed academically by creating distraction-free school environments. Off & Away All Day will ensure consistency across all grade levels and further enhance our schools as spaces for focused, meaningful academic and social growth. 

Off & Away All Day


The Lynchburg City School Board has high expectations for students' behavior in school and at school events. Good discipline must be maintained in order for instruction to be delivered thereby optimizing the potential for all students to learn and achieve academically. When the rules and regulations for student conduct are violated, students are subject to disciplinary sanctions, which may include but not be limited to suspensions, alternative education placements, and expulsions, as outlined in school board policies and regulations. Appeals of student suspensions may be available in certain circumstances. Parents may contact the Chief Student Services Officer to determine if an appeal may be granted. Refer to discipline policies and regulations in Section J of the Lynchburg City School Board Policy Manual.

Our Restorative Suspension Center (RSC) is an alternative to suspension program for middle and high school students here in Lynchburg City Schools. Instead of students serving their out-of-school suspension at home, they will attend the RCS to serve their short term-suspensions (1-10 days).

Restorative Suspension Center