Published on Wed., August 26, 2020
2020-21 School Year
Complete attendance check-in Homeroom Morning Meetings:

Opportunity for students to join a homeroom Zoom
Homeroom Morning Meetings:

Opportunity for students to join a homeroom Zoom
Homeroom Morning Meetings:

Opportunity for students to join a homeroom Zoom
Homeroom Morning Meetings:

Opportunity for students to join a homeroom Zoom
  Teacher check-ins:
1st Pd: 9:00-9:30
2nd Pd: 9:35-10:05
3rd Pd: 10:10-10:40
4th Pd: 10:45-11:15
Teacher check-ins:
5th Pd: 9:00-9:30
6th Pd: 9:35-10:05
7th Pd: 10:10-10:40
8th Pd: 10:45-11:15
Teacher check-ins:
1st Pd: 9:00-9:30
2nd Pd: 9:35-10:05
3rd Pd: 10:10-10:40
4th Pd: 10:45-11:15
Teacher check-ins:
5th Pd: 9:00-9:30
6th Pd: 9:35-10:05
7th Pd: 10:10-10:40
8th Pd: 10:45-11:15
Office Hours by appointment
Office Hours by appointment
Office Hours by appointment
Office Hours by appointment
Office Hours by appointment

What are Teacher Check-ins? Teacher Check-ins are scheduled times for the teacher to be face to face with that class period to answer questions or reteach topics from previous lessons via Zoom. These check-in times are blocked off for that particular period. Teachers will communicate via Google Classroom regarding what to expect during these Zoom calls.

  • Attendance to these sessions is not required by the student. The student's grade cannot be impacted by not attending one of these check-ins.
  • New material will not be taught during this time.

What are Office Hours? Office Hours are scheduled appointments made by either the student, parent, or teacher if additional help is needed by the student beyond Teacher Check-Ins.

Attendance: Students MUST fill out their Attendance Check DAILY. Attendance for remote learning will be monitored by the Homeroom teacher and our attendance 'Connect Team.'

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