Parent Awareness Checklist

LCS welcomes Parent Involvement
How do I prepare for an IEP Meeting for my Preschool Child?

We have developed the LCS Parent Awareness Checklist to help you prepare for IEP meetings.
As you prepare for your child’s IEP meeting, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s special education teacher to secure additional information on how you can prepare for this very important meeting.


1. What are the skills my child should master to function in kindergarten with his/her same aged non-disabled peers?

2. Is the present level of performance written based on fact?

3. Will the present level of performance serve as a base for measuring progress in years to come?

4. What ore the accommodations my child needs?

5. How will each objective be measured?  (What specific instruments will be used to measure progress?)

6. Is each of the deficits included in the most recent comprehensive evaluation addressed it the IEP?

7. What special education and related services are needed to address the objectives included in my child’s IEP?

8. Please help me understand the justification for this child’s placement.

9. How will I know when my child has mastered an objective?

10. How frequently will I receive information related to my child’s progress?  (Will we meet if he/she is not expected to master an objective included in his/her IEP?)

11. What are my child’s transition needs?

12. What can I (parent) do to assist you (teacher) in meeting the needs of my child?

13. When will we meet to write the IEP for the upcoming year?

14. What should I do as a parent to prepare for the next IEP?

15. Please explain the Parental Rights in Special Education document.

16. Who is my child’s case manager? (How do I contact him/her?)